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Ex Scientia Pax - "Out of Knowledge comes Peace"

Professional Eligibility and Application for Induction

Joining the Order of the Sword & Shield 

​​Order of the Sword & Shield
The Academic and Professional Honor Society
for all Homeland Security Disciplines

1.   At least 5 years full-time work experience within the Homeland Security, Intelligence, Emergency Management or any Protective Security Sector; and

2.   A proven commitment to the protection of people, information, assets, or the community at large; and

3.   An affirmation to abide by all laws, restrictions, regulations, rules, and requirements of the United States of America and its Constitution; and

4.   Submit all required information, supporting documents with references, and appropriate fees.

You will be notified of your final status. All persons who are accepted will receive an Honor Society Induction Certificate and Membership Card and be entitled to all benefits bestowed upon active members.

​​​The Order of the Sword & Shield is open to any professional who has demonstrated significant achievement in a Homeland Security, Intelligence, Emergency Management, or security-related occupation. Some examples of significant achievement include (this is not a complete listing):

  • Obtained Leadership Position
  • Obtained Leadership Rank
  • Professional Society Affiliation
  • Professional Society Distinction
  • Obtained an Advanced Degree
  • Created Organizational Policy
  • Published Articles or Books
  • Industry Award Recipient
  • Court Appointed Expert Witness
  • Committee Participation (Industry)
  • Proven Subject-Matter Expert
  • Guest Speaker or Panel Discussant 
  • Significant Community Service
  • Newspaper, TV, or media interviews
  • Awards and Citations
  • Other

Please note that the above referenced list is intended as a guide and not a set of requirements. Professional Membership will be granted on a case by case basis, taking into consideration all of the applicant’s personal achievements. The applicant’s achievements may include some, none, or all of the aforementioned examples.

The following criteria MUST be satisfied at the time of induction:


Items needed to submit an electronic Professional Induction Application:

1.  A personal letter of interest stating your accomplishments, qualifications, and desire to join the Order.

2.  A letter of recommendation from a person who can attest to your professional achievements and standing.

3.  Your resume or curriculum vitae.

Once all supporting material has been gathered, you can start the application process.

​​Complete your application and upload all requested supporting documents. Once you have submitted your completed application package and the onetime $75 application fee (good for lifetime membership), we will begin our review process which can take up to several months, especially during our busy induction periods. We will notify you upon initial receipt of your completed application or if any additional supporting materials are needed. Status updates cannot be provided due to the volume of applications being reviewed.  If you are applying independent of a professional chapter (this means your organization does not have an official chapter with our Society (contact us if you would like to start one), you will be inducted into our National Chapter. If your organization has an official chapter with our Society, you will be inducted into your chapter (check with our list of professional chapters to see if you qualify for organizational induction).  All applications submissions must go to through our application portal (we no longer accept "mailed" submissions. 

For additional information or questions regarding this process, please email us at

No applicant shall be denied membership because of age, disability, ethnicity, gender, national origin, race, religion, or sexual orientation.